3. Motiono Grapher International reference for all who are in the motion business.
4. Video Copilot 制作video特效的教程站点
5. Graphics/ Motion 意大利的motion博客,文章质量很好而且更新的非常有规律
6. FX Guide 非常好的 motion 和video 的交流网站,别错过这么优秀的站点
7. Works Motion John Dickinson的一个站点, 有很多创意和灵感和技巧
100 dede sites 9 100个优秀的国外设计开发网站
1. Elliot Jay Stocks Elliot Jay Stocks没有人不知道他。
2. Veerle Blog 网络中最美丽的blog之一的站点,非常全面的文章还有教程
3. Jina Bolton Jina Bolton 是这本书“Art & Science of CSS”的作者,“Create Sexy StyleSheet” 的发起人
4. Snook Jonathan Snook是著名图形设计师,程序员,作家以演讲家,在他的Blog中,为所有设计师准备了非常多知识。
5. Stuff And Nonsense Markley世界上最出名的设计师之一。
6. Lysergid Lo?c SATTLER 法国非常著名的设计师.出色的文章和设计.
7. Iso 50 Scott Hansen 绝对出色的设计师.
8. John Nack Blog John Nack的blog,非常专业全面的关于图形设计以及Adobe
100 dede sites 10 100个优秀的国外设计开发网站
1. NetVibes The web comes to you. News aggregator plus!
2. Del.Ico.Us A tool for bookmaking and social media attention, must have!
3. Twitter Get updates on what your friends, co workers, etc are doing.
4. FaceBook 一个你可以记录生活的站点,facebook..
5. Flickr 一个摄影的交流场合,现在无数的用户用新照片发现每天的生活
100 dede sites 11 100个优秀的国外设计开发网站
1. Vinyl misuses 关于玩具的一个杂志,一定要看看,设计真的非常酷…
2. Discobelle Excellent site of music, showcases music videos, parties, etc.
3. Hype Beast 时尚文化的杂志
4. Lense A French reference for all those who wish to know some more about photography.
5. PopRave Blog Underground culture of the clothes industry.
6. All Graphic Design A site for everything graphic design related.
7. North X East Articles for bloggers.
8. Ads Of The World Web site which publishes all of the worlds ads. Great inspiration here.
9. LogoPond Logo Design Inspiration
10. Logo Design Love A blog focused totally on Logo Design. Regular articles and resources.
11. Split Da Diz I have translated his page from French into English as he was theoriginal posterof this article however I changed the French sites he recommended
12. intoEnglish ones, fixed the old links he had posted and changed the orderof some items… Visit his site!
13. Boing Boing A genearl directory of wonderful things.
14. Business of Design Online Pretty much anything to help a design business grow online.
15. Just Creative Design Whoelse would have brought you this massive English list of 99+ graphicdesign resources? We provide graphic design tips, resources