1楼 mocT3019
Artist: Charlie Clouser
Album: Resident Evil: Extinction O.S.T.
Label: Lakeshore Records
Release: 2007.12.28
Style: Hard Rock
Official Website: http://www.lakeshore-records.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/charlieclouser
Info: 音效大师Charlie Clouser的作品,给生化的配乐可以用驾轻就熟来形容。看这片子的时候,记得没有太大的惊喜,如果说生化的亮点,还是在游戏和背景音乐中感受为好,不错的一段次开场音乐。电驴上有双CD,大家有兴趣听听看,如果以后有时间,我会发上来。
01. Clone Awake
02. The Ditch
03. Alice Ride
04. Dog Attack
05. To The Hive
06. Flysolated
07. Convoy
08. Motel Closet
09. Dexterity
10. Perimeter Fire
11. Telepathic Sense
12. Desert Walk
13. Birds Attack
14. Choose Sides
15. Carlos Hug
16. Positive ID
17. For Alaska
18. New Orders
19. Vegas Journal
20. Container
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